Fix painful toothache and restore your smile.
High-tech care for advanced dental infections and tooth decay.

What is a root canal?

Root canal or Endodontics is the discipline in dentistry focusing on saving teeth and helping you maintain your natural smile. Our dentists will diagnose and treat tooth pain as well as performing root canal treatments. When the tooth’s nerve becomes inflamed or infected, either due to trauma or extensive decay, it is likely that tooth will cause tremendous pain. In order to relieve the pain, the infected internal contents of the tooth need to be removed by performing a root canal treatment.

The goal of root canal treatment is to clean out and disinfect the internal dental pulp (arterioles, venules, nerves and tissues) space. This treatment will prevent the tooth from becoming re-infected. Root canal therapy can be completed in one visit.

Endodontic Treatment

Endodontic treatment has a very high success rate. Many patients will choose this method of treatment to try to save their natural teeth. By cleaning and disinfecting the canal inside the tooth’s root, we can save the tooth, place a crown or a cap over your natural tooth, and maintain the integrity of your smile and oral health. 

There are various signs that may arise leading to a patient possibly requiring a root canal. Such as, severe pain while chewing or biting, pimple on or around the gum tissue, hot or cold sensitivity, swollen or tender gums, or a chipped or cracked tooth. Dr. Cappiello has years of experience with treating patients who require root canals and has a very high success rate.

What to Expect From a Root Canal

Step 1

Dr. Cappiello will explain the procedure to you and ensure you are comfortable and fully anesthetized before beginning.

Step 2

Dr. Cappiello will remove any infection from the canal(s) inside the root, She then seal and fill the remaining canals and prepares the tooth for your crown.

Step 3

Dr. Cappiello will prepare your tooth for your full coverage / crown. Our dental assistant  will scan the tooth/teeth and send electronically to in-house lab to be fabricated.

Step 4

When your crown is ready we will invite you back to our office to have your crown securely fastened in place.

We get to the root of the problem

Dr. Cappiello’s goal for each of her patients is to help them maintain their natural smile for as long as possible. Millions of endodontically treated teeth serve patients for years, allowing them to chew efficiently, maintain good overall oral health, and restore their natural smile.

Schedule Your Complimentary Full Mouth Consultation

We are committed to working together with you to help you create the smile of your dreams.