Unsurpassed Dental Implant In Las Vegas

The innovative and state-of-the-art, Hybrid 4 dental implant procedure is a convenient, long-lasting alternative to dentures. The revolutionary teeth-in-a-day technique combines a series of four endosseous implants and a row of permanent prosthetics to give patients a comfortable solution to multiple missing teeth. 

Hybrid 4 implants or overdenture are used to replace an entire upper or lower set of teeth. The procedure creates a permanent prosthesis by using four dental implants that act as an anchor for a bridge. They are anchored into the jawbone with dental implants in much the same way as regular (more expensive) dental implants.

Hybrid 4

Why Dental Implants ?

Dental implants offer a modern solution for replacing missing teeth. There are titanium screws that are placed into your jaw where you are missing teeth. They provide an artificial root that can be used to anchor replacement teeth like crowns and bridges, and with proper care and good hygiene they can be a long-lasting solution.


Having implants may seem like an enormous procedure, but it is totally safe, most patients experience no or little discomfort. Permanent and effective, dental implants enable you to eat, drink, speak and smile with real confidence.

Dental Implant Options

single tooth implant
Single Tooth Implants

Do you have a missing tooth? We understand how this can make you feel. Replace a single lost tooth with a dental implant. Dr. Cappiello will insert the titanium implant and attach a new tooth to the implant that blends in seamlessly with your remaining teeth.

They can can improve your smile, make chewing easier and restore your dental healthcare

Multiple teeth implants
Multiple Teeth Implants

If you are missing several teeth in a row, a few strategically placed titanium implants can support a permanent bridge. We can attach a bridge to titanium implants to give you a spanking new smile.

Dental implants can improve your smile, make chewing easier and restore your dental healthcare

Hybrid 4 / All on x

If you have lost all of your teeth, a full bridge can be permanently fixed in your mouth with a strategic number of implants.

The implants themselves are small titanium posts. Dr. Cappiello will place them into the jawbone where teeth are missing, where the bone will bond with the titanium. This bonding creates a strong foundation for artificial teeth.

What You Can Expect

We design treatment plans tailored to your individual needs, we’re able to focus on getting the visual and functional results you want. We aim to deliver outstanding results while avoiding lengthy treatment duration. Which means you can get back to your life sooner.

With thousands of dental rehabilitation cases completed, our clients benefit from our extensive experience. Our innovative procedures allow us to reverse the functional and aesthetic effects of tooth loss. Take a look at some of our smile transformations to see what is possible with Hybrid 4 dental implants.

Before And After Dental Implant Patient

Hover over or tap the before images to see the after images.

Why Choose Us?

Our office has exceptional commitment to our patients to provide personalized dental care. We pride ourselves on getting to know each of our patients well. We can then develop a continued quality relationship to meet their individual changing needs.

Dentistry has changed a lot in recent years, especially in its technology. Advances in dental technology have made the delivery of treatments faster and more effective. You may find that some dentists are slow to embrace the modern practice. At Sedation And Implant Dentistry, we embrace the modern practice with open arms.

When searching for a dentist, it is important to ensure that they have experience in successfully treating a wide range of dental problems. Confidence in your dentist’s skills and knowledge is extremely important in finding the right fit. As a point of reference, you need to make sure that the dentist you go to is committed to furthering your continuing education.

The Sedation And Implant Dentistry team has over 30 years of experience. You’ve helped transform thousands of smiles in the Clark county area.

When looking for a dentist, several payment options are important. Some dental offices may not offer payment plans, making it much more difficult to get the dental work you need.

At Sedation And Implant Dentistry, we believe our patients’ dental health is always the most important thing. We understand that a high dental bill can be overwhelming, which is why we offer monthly payment plans with Care Credit and United Credit . When you walk through our office doors, you can be assured that we will help make quality dental care affordable.

Want to improve your smile? Finding a dentist who is experienced in a range of cosmetic procedures is important. It can be difficult to find a practice that can conveniently perform all of these treatments under one roof. At Sedation And Implant Dentistry, not only can we offer virtually any treatment you need, we can provide it and execute it in the comfort of an office.

  • Implant
  • Veneer
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Crowns

Our doctors have years of experience in cosmetic dentistry and an overall passion for making a difference in people’s lives by transforming their smiles. Cosmetic treatments can restore confidence not only in your smile but also in your life.

Get New Teeth In a Day With All On X!

Smiling is contagious and who doesn’t want a bright and healthy smile. Dr. Cappiello has over 30 years experience; she is true artist who will design your smile to fit your needs and life style. Call us to schedule your complimentary All on X consultation today!