Porcelain Veneer

Our porcelain veneer procedures can dramatically improve your smile and increase your confidence.

What Exactly Are Porcelain Veneers?

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain material that adheres to the surface of the tooth.  They are custom made, including size, shape, and color to fit our patients’ individual needs.  Traditionally most people get porcelain veneers for cosmetic reasons.

There are quite a few advantages to getting dental veneers.   Dental veneers can cover various minor tooth imperfections, such as, chips, small fracture lines, and/or discoloration.  Veneers look and feel natural and require very little tooth enamel removal.  

Sedation and Implant Dentistry has an on-site laboratory for the fabrication of veneers.  Our doctors take into consideration the alignment, shape, and facial structure to ensure you have a beautiful smile.  Call us today to schedule your consultation and see if you are a candidate for veneers.

Porcelain Veneers Procedure

When you come in for your initial appointment, you will have the chance to discuss how you want to improve the appearance of your smile with our expert dentist and experienced dental team. Dr. Cappiello will next examine your teeth and gums and create a tailored treatment plan that best meets your specific dental requirements and cosmetic objectives. This is a collaborative process, and you are invited to express yourself freely about your intended conclusion. There are several varieties of porcelain veneers, and our team will help you choose the one that would provide the greatest results.

During your consultation a personalized treatment plan will be presented to you and our team will review the veneer process.   There are multiple steps from start to finish and it is imperative that patients understand their role in a successful veneer case.  Our doctors will begin my taking a wax impression of your anterior teeth, also known as a “Wax Up”.  This wax up serves as a template for your custom veneers. 

Aftercare Dental Veneers

When brushing your teeth with porcelain veneers use a nonabrasive toothpaste and either an electric toothbrush or soft bristle manual toothbrush after every meal.  Floss and rise once a day.  DO NOT use your teeth as tools, chew ice, and limit sweets.  Although veneers do not stain you may want to avoid stain causing beverages to avoid staining your natural teeth around your veneers. 

How Much Do They Cost?

Porcelain veneers are designed and created specifically for each individual patient and their desired cosmetic objective and goals.  As a result, each patients treatment plan will vary, this includes time and cost.  Our doctors will complete a comprehensive full mouth exam as there are many factors that contribute to moving forward with veneers.  Here are some things to keep in mind before moving forward.  When was your last cleaning?  Do you have healthy gum tissue?  Will you be whitening your natural teeth that may not be included with the veneers?  Our team of experts will guide you along your journey.  Sedation and Implant Dentistry also offers dental financing through reputable third-party lenders to make treatment more affordable.

Schedule Your Complimentary Full Mouth Consultation

We are committed to working together with you to help you create the smile of your dreams.